Up Next, Monday, Oct 7, 2024: The Far Western Theater: The 11th Ohio Cavalry in the Civil War


In the Civil War when one talks about the “Western Theater,” it usually refers to battles in such states as Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia.  But Martin W.  Lowery Jr. will make a presentation to the General Charles H. Grosvenor Civil War Round Table on Monday, Oct 7th about what might be called the “Far Western Theater.”  Specifically, he will be focusing on the war time exploits of the 11th Ohio Cavalry. This unit at one time or another was in the State of Kansas and the territories of Idaho, Nebraska, and Wyoming. 

Lowery will talk a little bit about the situation before the Civil War but focus more on the activities of the 11th Ohio Cavalry  during the conflict.  Topics to be discussed, include its efforts to protect the trails heading west, the life of Ohio troopers that manned the far west forts and their relations with the American Indians.  

Here’s how Lowery puts the exploits of the 11th Ohio Calvary in the greater context of the war:

 “It is 1862, the American Civil War is building east of the Mississippi River.  Armies from both sides are marching through American towns and farmlands.  The fighting is causing destruction and loss of life,” Lowery said.  

“While west of the Mississippi River, United States regular troops have been pulled out of forts and American Indian Territories to help fill the need in the east, small bands of men that are pro- or anti-slavery roam the newly formed states and territories, and authorities in Washington begin to perceive a growing threat of Rebel troops attacking U.S. interests in the that part of the country,” Lowery points out.  

“Also, more settlers begin to head west to seek a better life and escape the war, and keeping the telegraph running across the U.S. becomes a priority,” Lowery says.  “With this backdrop, the U.S. War Department decides to send troops west from one of the eastern states.  The 6th Ohio Cavalry, later to become the 11th Ohio Cavalry, is given the task.”

Lowery has given other presentations to the round table and other civil war groups.  These include: “The “Battle of Buffington Island,” “The Signal Corps from 1862 to WWII,” “The US Navy during the Civil War,” and “The 63rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.”  He retired from Ohio University in 2019 and is an assistant with the Trimble Marching Band.  He belongs to John S. Townsend Camp 108 of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, chartered out of the Athens County hamlet of Frost, Ohio, and The Sons of Veterans Reserve.  


Meetings starts at 7:00 in the large conference room in the Athens County Library at the Corner of Home and Lincoln streets in the City of Athens.