John Murray, a member of our Steering Committee, will make about a half hour living history presentation as Senator John Sherman, younger brother of General W. T. Sherman. After the presentation, Senator Sherman will answer questions in character. Should make for a different and interesting presentation.
A little background on John Sherman, as reported on Wikipedia: “Initially a Whig, Sherman was among those anti-slavery activists who formed what became the Republican Party. He began his first term in the Senate in 1861. As a senator, he was a leader in financial matters, helping to redesign the United States’ monetary system to meet the needs of a nation torn apart by civil war. He also served as the chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee during his 32 years in the Senate. After the war, he worked to produce legislation that would restore the nation’s credit abroad and produce a stable, gold–backed currency at home. Sherman was the principal author of the Sherman Antitrust Act, which was signed into law by President Benjamin Harrison in 1890.