0 thoughts on “Images tagged "athens-county"

  1. Excellent article on Milton M. Holland. I am trying organize an event to be held at the State Capitol grounds at Austin, Texas next Sept. 2014, to honor Sgt Holland. He was born in Austin & was the first Texan to win the MOH. Ironically, his father, Bird Holland, was killed at the Battle of Mansfield as a major in the 22nd Texas Infantry.

  2. On Sat. 9/27/14 there will be a ceremony honoring Milton M. Holland, the first Texan to be awarded the Medal of Honor. It will take place on the south steps of the State Capitol betw. 1-3pm. It will include the presentation of the colors by Buffalo Soldiers re-enactors, a speech by Mayor Jackson of Prairie View on Sgt. Holland and a presentation of a plaque honoring Milton M. Holland.
    While doing research for this event, I visited Oakwood Cemetery in Austin. Bird Holland, the father, is buried there next to his wife, Matilda Rust Holland. He was killed at the Battle of Pleasant Hill (4/9/1864) as a Major of the 22nd Texas Infantry. In the “Colored Grounds A” of Oakwood, is buried William H. Holland, brother of Milton. He is the Father of Prairie View University since as a member of the 15th Legislature he introduced a bill for its establishment. He also served as in the 16th USCT.
    Next to his grave is another. The tombstone reads: “OUR MOTHER – Matilda Holland – Departed this life Aug 19, 1905 – Aged 85 Years – AT REST”
    It was a touching moment since all I could find about the mother was than she was a slave women. But here I finally discovered her name & that she was a beloved mother. A remarkable woman with remarkable sons. Standing by her grave you can look up past the tree line of Oakwood and see the dome of the State Capitol. It was a moving experience.
    Thank you for your Round Table & for what you have done to preserve the memory of Sgt. M M Holland. “By honoring those who have served we honor those who do serve.” is the opening of the speech to be given on the south steps. It goes on to mention the last Texan to be awarded the Medal, Paul R. Smith – mortally wounded 4/4/2003. “We are here to honor the first Texan to be awarded the Medal of Honor, Sgt-Maj. Milton M. Holland.

  3. Hi there, I just found your web site and was wondering do you know where General Charles Henry Grosvenor presentation sword is ?
    If not I think i might have seen it.
    Allen Wandling

  4. There appears to be a similar plaque on at least two other Civil War Monuments in the US – One in Holyoke, Massachusetts and the other in Greenwood Cemetery in New York. The detail is slightly different in each but the overall scene, with people and the tree, is the same.

    For more information go to the site below and scroll down until you come to the same bronze plaques.


    • Thanks, Tom. This is very interesting. I have written the historian at Greenwood asking the origin of their interpretation of the plaque, which I think may be overly simplistic. I see nothing in this scene that would indicate that the child is in any sense mourning. The child (or whatever that figure represents) appears more in the role of a guide. I can’t see how the woman could be his mother. Further research is needed. I’ll let you know what I learn from Greenwood.

      • My latest interpretation is that the woman is suppose to be Miss Liberty and that’s a flag draped over her shoulder, and she is weeping for the state of the nation. The smaller figure, it has been suggested to me, might be an angel pointing the way to a better future. Since only two additional places have this same fresco and they are slightly different, tells me that these were not boilerplate like the other frescos, and that this one had to be special ordered.